For information and questions about the Dutch health system, please contact:
We are a general practice focused on students. Our practice is therefore on Wageningen Campus.
Wageningen Campus, Nexus gebouw 117
Akkermaalsbos 14
6708WB Wageningen
T: 0317 - 46 66 00 (emergency: dial 1)
F: 0317 411199
The GP practice is open from Monday to Friday between 8.00 hrs and 17.00 hrs.
After office hours (weekend/evening/night) you can go to the Huisartspost Gelderse Vallei in Ede. This is only for medical problems which are urgent and cannot wait until the next day.
T: 0318-200 800
Appointments can be made (only after registration) from 8.00 to 10.15 and 11.00 to 12.15
phone 0317-466600 (for emergency: dial 1)
From February 2024, we will use the digital assistant.
You can leave a callback request with the digital assistant. We will call you back in the agreed time block. You can choose to leave a callback request at two times. When the phone is busy and when the assistants are busy with other tasks.
In this way, we try to increase patient satisfaction, reduce waiting times on the phone and spread the peak load within the practice.
For information and questions about the Dutch health system, please visit:
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